Anxiety and Tips on Food Shopping with a Baby or Toddler
March 11, 2020
How many of you get nervous going to the supermarket with your kids? From having conversations with lots of moms, you are definitely not alone in this!
I remember taking my oldest for the first time when she was a baby. It gave me anxiety just thinking about getting in the car and having to go food shopping. What if she started to cry? What if everyone starts staring at me? What if she spits up all over the place? What if she starts crying in the car before I even get there? The “What if” thoughts just kept going.
The best thing you can do is not overwork yourself about it and try to stay positive. Below I added some tips that can help for smoother trip to the grocery store! Hope they help!
- Take deep breaths and think positive before leaving.
- Try not to show your fear or anxiety. Our children pick up on it.
- Bring your diaper bag with diapers, wipes, pacifiers, and all the necessities you might need. (You never know what can happen, such as a diaper explosion.)
- Bring a few age appropriate toys for the infants that stay in their car seat in the shopping cart.
- Go right after your baby or toddler is fed.
- Leave at a time your baby or toddler is not tired for a nap.
- Go to a familiar grocery store. It will make it faster and easier to locate items.
- Find a parking space near the cart return area.
- Wear your baby in a sling or baby carrier.
- Have a grocery list to make shopping faster.
- Pack a little bag of their favorite snacks.
- Engage with your little one as you go along. (I usually tell stories using their name.)
- Ask your toddler to help. Give him/her some of the items to put in the back of the cart. Toddlers love helping out.
- For toddlers, go to the aisle and pick out non-messy snacks like goldfish or any other favorite snack. It’s okay if a few fall on the ground. Don’t stress about it.
- Most importantly, try to stay calm regardless of what may happen.
What are some ideas that work for you when you grocery shop with your little ones? I’m hoping some of these tips ease your grocery shopping experience with your baby or toddler. I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. If you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to answer!